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   Phone: +91 044 2616 3303, 2616 3304
   Email: fkmr@franciskanoi.com /  mktres@franciskanoi.com

(The twelfth round since 1999)

The study provides 4 separate reports covering the following aspects of the Two-Wheeler market :

1] Demand analysis:

The report forecasts the demand for two-wheelers in India, taking into account the purchases in 2018, 2019 and 2020 and the changes in options, pricing and environment that have taken place since the previous round of the study in 2017.

Similarly, the forecast by different types of two-wheelers has also been recast. The forecast is being provided from 2021-22 till 2023-24 at the all-India and state total levels.

2a] Segmentation Analysis:

The report provides a detailed segmentation analysis of the two-wheeler market in 2018, 2019 and 2020 and integrates it with the analyses done upto 2017, to identify trends and turning points, if any, across segments.

The segmentation objectives were to estimate the following:

1] How big is each segment?
2] How has each segment been growing over the years?
3] Which are the types of vehicles that the segments have been buying over the years?
4] What is the distribution of the segments across population strata?
5] What is the profile of each segment?

The segmentation variables are:

1] Specific need that led to the purchase of the two-wheeler
2] Circumstances leading to the purchase
3] Main purpose of purchase
4] Funding of the vehicle
5] Average no. of kilometres respondent rides everyday
6] Whether two-wheeler purchased for family / personal use
7] First time/second time/third time buyers
8] Height of the person
9] Build of the person
10] Extent of dependence of the buyer on the two-wheeler
11] Sex
12] Age
13] Education
14] Occupation
15] Marital status
16] Stated monthly household income
17] Economic status
18] Socio-economic status of the buyer
19] Current riding style of respondent
20] Mode of commuting before the purchase of the first two-wheeler
21] Other vehicles owned in the household currently

2b] Cluster Analysis:

The report provides a classification of various brands of two-wheelers into clusters, based on 14 variables defining the buyer of the vehicle. This analysis leads to a natural classification because the groups are not defined a priori, but are formed based on the similarity of the buyers on these 14 variables.

The clusters then become the most fundamental way of customer segmentation of the two-wheeler market. And it follows that the cluster defines the following:

  a] It defines the specific customer segment in which the brand competes. We could juxtapose this segment against all two-wheeler buyers to see characteristics which are different for this cluster. In other words, it defines who our customers really are.
b] It defines the brands against which it competes directly. This follows from the fact that a brand competes the most with other brands that compete for the same kind of customer.
c] Most importantly, the cluster defines the size and growth of the market that the brand addresses specifically. Because the clustering does not happen the way we presume that it should, the size of the market that is directly addressable by our brand is not the same as what we presume that it would be.
d] By defining the vehicles with which we compete directly, the clusters also define where our markets are and what their distribution is. And that would be the very basic information that we need for targeting and related resource allocation.

3] Evaluation of Motivations for Purchase, Performance and Image of Individual Brands (Tracking study of two-wheelers):

With a sample of over 15,000 two-wheeler owners who bought their vehicles in 2018,2019 and 2020, this report provides a comprehensive analysis of the motivations for purchase, vehicles considered as options, perceptions related to performance of the vehicles and their image.

The main advantages of this report are as follows:

1] The sample is rendered nationally representative covering 16 states and 5 population strata.
2] The findings on individual brands will have for comparison every single major brand in its category and otherwise.

The sample sizes of the significant brands will allow us to do a detailed analysis of their status vis-a'-vis competing vehicles.

4] Penetration of two-wheelers:

This report provides a detailed analysis of the penetration of two-wheelers among households and individuals across the country, and within the states and population strata